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Showing posts with label Warming. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Warming. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The warming of the Himalayas will limit the water storage capacity

                        (Himalaya Snow)

The Alarming challenge of growing temperature affects the general lives of all human beings all over the world, as the ‘Third Pole’. As Nepal has a biodiversity in various facts as follows: The Himalayas and its burning climatic concerns drew world attention at the latest round, as the Katmandu headquartered International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) released reports pointing at the dire consequences of the impact of climate change on the highest elevations on the earth. The reports said that warming of the Himalayas will limit the water storage capacity of the vast expanse of the snow and ice mass, heightening the risks of glacial lake outburst floods (GLOF).

As warming increases, tree line and animal species move to higher elevations. Strange things are happening in the mountains - mosquitoes have appeared in places where they could never be found in the past. People have reported to have spotted cobra in mid hills while some trekkers were surprised to sight flies in the altitude as high as Everest Base camp, a location at 5,300 meters. The reports said that species already living at highest elevation may have nowhere to go.

However, this change is not evenly distributed. Rate of warming is found to be much greater in the central Himalayas and the Tibetan Plateau. In Lhasa, for example, temperatures were found to have increased by 1.35° Celsius between 1950 and 1980. Mass losses from glaciers and accelerated thinning of the snow cover are expected to reduce water supplies and hydropower potential," said the climate change assessment of the Hindu Kush-Himalaya region extending from Afghanistan to Bhutan.

The Hindu Kush-Himalaya region has been described as one of the hotspots in respect to the global warming and climate change. Temperature rises are observed to be at greater rates at higher altitude and during cooler months than in warmer months and warmer regions. This imbalance will eventually narrow the seasonal variation in temperature. This will turn out to be more favorable for some species while proving hostile to others. As a result, agriculture will be directly impacted, the ICIMOD reports said.Warming across the Himalayan region is higher than the global average of ICIMOD 0.74° Celsius over the past 100 year

Friday, November 18, 2011

A burning issue: Global warming And its prevention

Global warming is the greatest challenge facing in our world. It is, in fact, the increase in the temperature of the earth’s neon- surface air. Global warming is a serious problem of all the living things in all over the world .Global warming is the warming of earth's surface and earth's atmosphere traps the sun's heat than the normal. The earth is getting warmer than in the past days. The changes are small at present but later they are expected to grow and speed up slowly. Within the next fifty to one hundred years, the earth may be hotter than it has been in the past million years. Global warming will affect weather everywhere, plants and animals everywhere, people everywhere; humans are warming the earth's atmosphere by burning fuels, cutting down forest, and by taking part in other activities that release certain heat trapping gases into the air increasing the carbondioxide and carbonmonoxide.

The developed countries are growing the Global warm because they use so many things for Global warm. The result of Global warm is sharing to all countries and Nepal also shared to Global warm from developed countries. As a result the layer of snow of mountain is melting by year and the natural beauty of Nepal is destroying by Global warm. The government of Nepal cabinet meeting (Former Prime Minister Madhav Kumar Nepal) was organized in “Kalapathar” in 2009 to aware all the developed countries about the Global warm.

(Kalapathar Meeting)

One major cause of global warming is the use of fossil fuels. Fossil fuels like coal, oil, and natural gas that was formed from the remains of plant material deposited during the earth's carboniferous period .There is a close relation between global warming and population growth. Today the large population on earth is using the technologies which are destructive for the earth. Approximately, 80 per cent of atmospheric C02 increases are due to man’s use of fossil fuels either in the form of coal, gas or oil. A large portion of carbon emission is attributed to the burning of gasoline in internal-combustion engine of vehicles. Vehicles with poor gas mileage contribute the most to global warming. Besides, the sulphur group gas is the most harmful for this. Its contribution is 30 per cent in global warming. This gas is also emitted from the burning of fossil fuels.

Unfortunately, burning fossil fuels is not the only thing that we humans are doing to increase the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. This destructive work is called deforestation.

Effects of Global Warming Increase of temperature on the earth. Changes in temperature increase the frequency and intensity of some severe weather events, like floods, droughts and tornadoes .Lower agricultural yields and species extinctions are caused by Global Warming. Rise of sea levels. Sea levels are rising due to thermal expansion of the ocean, along with melting of land ice. The total power of cyclones has increased noticeably because their average intensity and duration have increased.

Global average temperature rose significantly during the past century. The prevailing scientific view is that most of the temperature increases since mid-20th century has been caused by increases in atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations produced by human activity. Most scientists agree that planet’s temperature has risen 0.5 degree Celsius since 1900 and will continue to increase at an increasing rate. As a result, the world is getting warmer. The year 1990 was the hottest year in the last century.
If we can reduce the greenhouse gases going into the atmosphere, we probably can slow the rate of global warming and climate. There are a number of things that we can do to prepare for the changes that are coming. If we act now, perhaps we can "soften the blow" of the greenhouse effect. In the future, the weather cold change much more dramatically from year to year than it does now. As global warming alters habitats, many kinds of animals will be on the move, but all sorts of barriers will stand between them and a new place to live. To help animals get around these barriers, it might be necessary to set up migration corridors that connect natural areas with one another. Without human intervention, many kinds of plants also may not survive as the earth's climate changes. Forests, in particular, may need our help. If climate changes come rapidly, few tree species will be able to spread into new areas fast enough to keep up with changing conditions.

Prevention of Global Warming:

There may be hundreds of small things or activities of our daily life which contribute to global warming. This includes:

 Riding your bike, and buying your goods from the most local sources available.
Growing your own food instead of importing it.
 Cleaning or replacing filters on your furnace.
 Reusing your shopping bag.
 Using recycled products, etc.

Increasing the use of Solar Energy also helps in minimizing power consumptions to huge extents and thus, preventing your contribution to global warming.

In today’s industrial world where total reduction in the production of harmful gases and wastes is next to impossible, growing leafy trees in high numbers is a mandatory solution for preventing the rise in heat.

Global warming is something that we all have to take part in learning how to prevent, not only in the USA but throughout the entire world. We all play a part in contributing to global warming and the only way to help prevent the devastating affects is to work together. Each of the governments throughout the world are striving to develop a prevention plan that can help reduce the amount of emissions they are creating in the atmosphere and enhance what they are doing to contribute to the solution instead of the problem.